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has received the following planning application: Application no: 21/00211/FUL Proposal: Redevelopment of garage site for 5 residential dwellings (2x 2 beds & 3x 3 beds) including associated parking, landscaping and open space at Land Rear of Walnut Drive, Bletchley. Find out more in this news article.

Please be aware that Milton Keynes Council has received a planning application proposing the construction of 3 dwellings in rear car park at Malsters Arms 45 Aylesbury Street, Bletchley. Find out more in this news article.

Read this news article for more information and an update on the ongoing East West Rail Alliance works.

Please be aware that following length of road, Watling Street, Bletchley (from its junction with Kellys Kitchen roundabout to Penn Road, Fenny Stratford) will be closed from 8th February 2021 to 12th April 2021. View the Public Notice in this article.

In this news article, you can view the Public Notice from Milton Keynes Council – Temporary Speed Restriction Order for all grid and primary roads within in Milton Keynes.

Please read this news release about Albert Street Public Conveniences.

Milton Keynes Council has shared this Further Notice. The Westfield Road Footpath 47 Footbridge, (from its junction with Westfield Road to its junction with Willow Way), will be closed between 30th January 2021 – 13th February 2021 (24 Hours). View the Further Notice in this news article.

Please be aware that on Thursday 28th January 2021, Bond Avenue in Bletchley (between 9:30am and 12:30pm) and Forfar Drive in Bletchley (between 12:30pm and 4:30pm) will be temporarily closed for Defects Maintenance works. View the Further Notice from Milton Keynes Council in this news article.

Residents in our parish can now access free wellbeing and counselling support as Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council has gone into partnership with the West Bletchley Wellbeing Counselling Service. Please call: 01908 370 860 (phone lines are open between 10am-12pm and 2pm-4pm with voicemail facilities available too) or email: