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Milton Keynes Council has issued the following order: Footpaths 16 and 17 Little Brickhill (Parts) Public Path Diversion Order 2021

Funded by the Town Council, there are MKPA Play sessions taking place in our parish located on the Lakes Estate, Leon Rec and Newton Leys. Find out more in this news article and on the MKPA website.

There is now a casual vacancy for a councillor in the Manor South Ward. The Town Council hopes to co-opt at the next Full Council meeting on 8th June 2021. Find out more in this news article.

Local elections took place on Thursday 6th May. An updated list of Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Councillors can be viewed in this news article.

After much anticipation, Newton Leys Allotments are finally open! We already have a full waiting list of potential allotment tenants who we will continue to get in contact with to allocate allotments sites. We can’t wait to see the allotments develop and grow!

The online East West Rail Consultation continues to be available to view and comment on, which includes proposed changes for both Bletchley and Fenny Stratford. The consultation closes on 9th June 2021. The Town Council has been supplied with a hard copy of all the consultation documents, including maps of proposed works, and residents can access and view these documents by visiting the Town Council’s offices at Bletchley Library.

Find out more, including how to attend the Zoom AGM meeting and how to get in contact if you are interested in joining the committee.

In order to enable Anglian Water to carry out Maintenance works within the carriageway, part of Princes Way, from Cawkwell Way to bowling green, will be closed on 26th May 2021 and 27th May 2021 between 9:00pm – 6:00am.

As part of the continuing works at Bletchley flyover, the East West Rail Alliance will need to carry out night time road closures on Buckingham Road and footpath on the eastbound carriageway. The westbound carriageway and footpath will remain open. These works will start from Wednesday 5th May to Thursday 6th May 2021, between 10pm to 5am.

Milton Keynes Open is all about championing local creatives of all ages. MK Open are inviting all artists to apply whether working in paint, print, photography or other mediums. The deadline for submissions for this year's Milton Keynes Open is fast approaching, with just under two weeks left to submit artwork. Find out more in this news article.