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Please be aware of the upcoming closure of Drayton Road, from its junction with Lomond Drive, continuing for a distance of 106 meters in a south westerly direction. This closure is to enable carry out installation of fence to pilasters to mitigate jumping. The above closure will start on 17th July 2021 and is scheduled to re-open on 18th July 2021 or until the said works have been completed between 10:00pm and 5:00am, whichever is the sooner.

Please be aware that road closures will occur in our parish within the next few weeks due to Defect Works being carried out. Find out more in this news article.

As part of the East West Rail project, Bletchley Road/Newton Road will be closed at the bridge for one night on Tuesday 26th July 2021 from 11 pm to 5am to carry out visual surveys on the arch of the bridge on Bletchley Road.

Within our parish, work is being carried out at the drainage ditch behind Millward Drive towards the A5. Find out more in this new article on the IDB Bedford Group website.

We want to hear from you about the Public Toilets in Bletchley Town Centre. The deadline for responses to this consultation is Thursday 12th August 2021. Find out more and follow the link to the survey in this news article.

Recently Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council has been working on improvements to Fenny Stratford Community Centre (previously known as George Street Community Centre/Bletchley Community Centre). We want to find out what you think about the future use of the building and to understand what facilities you think are needed in the area by completing our survey in this article. The deadline for responses is Friday 30th July 2021.

Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council is looking to appoint a new role to the organisation, supporting the Support Services Manager with the day to day running of the Town Council's IT and administrative systems. They will also deputise for the SSM in their absence and help with the running of the support systems in place. The closing date is 26th July 2021. Find out more and download the application pack in this news article.

The Town Council started a new term in May this year so there has never been a better time to get involved in local democracy. You can do this by joining the Neighbourhood Plan Group. The group will be composed of local people to steer the preparation of the plan and to seek the views of local people. For more information on joining the group or getting involved in devising the plan, please get in contact by emailing or calling 01908 649 469. A new website and social media channels for the Neighbourhood Plan will also go live soon so keep an eye out for those.

Borrowing Town Council litter pickers, the Brownies did an amazing job collecting several bags of litter. Please remember to take any rubbish back home with you or bin it. A big well done to the 6th Bletchley Brownies!

Water Eaton Residents Association are looking for new committee members. If you are interested in the Water Eaton area please get in contact by emailing the following address: