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Consultation on Public Toilets in Bletchley Town Centre – Complete the online survey


We want to hear from you about the Public Toilets in Bletchley Town Centre. Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Town Council currently provides public toilets in a building in Albert Street, Bletchley. These toilets are open daily from Monday to Saturday and are free at the point of use. Based on pre-Covid monitoring the public toilets are well used with approximately 91,300 visits per year (excluding the disabled toilet).

The public toilet building is now in need of refurbishment. The building is owned by Milton Keynes Council. It is let to the Town Council which pays for all the repairs and maintenance to the fabric of the building as well as the costs of running the toilets using tax payers’ money. Milton Keynes Council could require the Town Council to vacate the premises at any time. Although this is not likely to happen immediately, it is possible that there will be changes to the town centre in the near future which could affect the building.

The Town Council is concerned about refurbishing the building when we have no security of tenure. We are also concerned about the ongoing costs of maintaining the toilets and keeping them clean and safe. To help us decide on future short term and long term actions we are asking local people for their views.

Please complete the Public Toilets Online Survey and include your comments on any aspect of our public toilet provision which might help us plan for the future. The survey is anonymous but you are asked to provide your postcode so that we can analyse the results by residents and by people who don’t live in our area.

The deadline for responses to this consultation is Thursday 12th August 2021.

Paper copies of the survey are available to collect and complete at our Town Council Office: Bletchley Library, Westfield Road, MK2 2RA.

If you have any queries, please get in contact with us by calling 01908 649 469 or by email

Image of Albert Street Toilets Consultation