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The Chairman's New Year Message


Everyone at the Council wishes the community a happy and most importantly a safe new year. January 2021 is starting with another lockdown but this is necessary and I appeal to everyone in Bletchley and Fenny Stratford to comply with national restrictions and keep our community as safe as we can. Your Councillors and Council employees will continue to support the community during this new lockdown, as we did during 2020. Our premises at Spotlight on Serpentine Court will continue to be used as a Foodbank Xtra collection point. The Community Larder will continue to operate.

Our joint working with partners goes on and we offer community grants and in kind support to local organisations who need help. We also support individual residents either directly or by referring them to other agencies for help. Please contact us if anyone in your neighbourhood needs help so we can spread this work further.In addition to responding to problems caused by the pandemic, it is business as usual for the Town Council with meetings and decision making taking place online and most of our premises and facilities are open even if for permitted activities only.

In 2021 we will be working on some new and exciting projects including progressing our climate action plan, working on the new Neighbourhood Plan and developing new services in response to what residents have told us they need. So please keep in touch with our work via our social media and newsletters.

To contact with us by phone please ring 01908 689969 and leave a message or email us at we will come back to you within one working day. 

Angela Kennedy - Chairman of the Council