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Road closure - Buckingham Road


Milton Keynes Council have announced that between 5th July 2020 to 7th December 2020, Buckingham Road, from its junction with Water Eaton Road to its junction with Brunel Roundabout, will be closed.

Milton Keynes Council have confirmed to us that the closure is between the hours of 9.00pm to 5.00am each day, so the road will be open during the daytime. This closure is taking place to enable East West Rail to replace the bridge deck on the Bletchley flyover.

This closure will take place only when works are required and only when indicated by the appropriate traffic signs, which will be put in place in advance of the closure.

Whilst the above length of road is closed, the alternative route will be via Buckingham Road, Standing Way, Watling Street, Bletcham Way and Saxon Street (and vice versa).

For more information, please read: