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New PRIDE of Bletchley and Fenny Stratford Awards Nominations Now Open


The Town Council has launched a new community awards scheme and nominations are now open. There are awards in the following categories:

  • ​Culture Award – for those people who have made a contribution to artistic or cultural projects
  • Sport Award – for those people who have made a significant contribution to sport
  • Customer Service Award – for those people with businesses in Bletchley and Fenny Stratford who offer the best customer service
  • Volunteer or Charity Award – for those people who work incredibly hard for the community with little recognition – nominations need not be for volunteering only
  • Young Volunteer or Charity (under 21) – this is for young people who deserve recognition for volunteering regularly or have raised money for charity
  • Lifetime Achievement Award – for those people who have gone that extra mile during their life
  • Best Allotment Plot – An overall winner, and a winner per site

The judging panel will comprise of Town Councillors and the awards will be presented in late July 2022. The deadline for applications will be Friday 17th June 2022.