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Gateway Signs Consultation


Within the parish of Bletchley and Fenny Stratford, there are currently a total of 11 sets of gateway signs. These signs let those that have passed them know that they are arriving into either Bletchley or Fenny Stratford.
The current positioning of some of these signs is not entirely accurate. Examples of this are seen on Watling Street where you pass signage welcoming you to Bletchley, only shortly after to be welcomed to Fenny Stratford. In Simpson Road again you are welcomed to Bletchley when in fact you are entering Fenny Stratford.

The Town Council has resolved to correct these inaccuracies with changes to the current signage and has secured Community Infrastructure Funding from Milton Keynes Council towards the cost of this work.
In addition, it has been resolved to introduce gateway signage at two locations on the entry to Newton Leys. Please take a look at the map linked below which shows the locations of the signs this relates to.

The introduction of new signage gives the opportunity to change the design and wording used for the different signage variants. The design and wording currently in use is shown below:

A working group of the council was set up and wording has been put forward for each of the signs denoting the entries to Bletchley, Fenny Stratford and Newton Leys. This wording is limited to 6 words in addition to the place name.
We are looking for the views of residents that live within the parish of Bletchley and Fenny Stratford in order to determine whether you consider the wording appropriate for each of the three sign types.

To complete the consultation, click here