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Farewell to a Legend: The Last Roar of the Lakes Dinosaur


🦕 Farewell to a Legend: The Last Roar of the Lakes Dinosaur🦕

It's with mixed emotions that we share the news that the much-loved Lakes Estate dinosaur is soon to be removed to make way for redevelopment. This statue has been an iconic symbol of the Lakes community since it was first created in an exciting community art project at Sir Herbert Leon School. Later the dinosaur was moved to Warren park which soon became known as the Dinosaur park. Now this land is needed for MKCC regeneration works starting in early 2024 and sadly the cost of restoring and removing the statue has proved prohibitive.

The Locals of the Lakes Residents Association are holding an event in celebration of the dinosaur on 29 December 2023 from 12 noon. Local residents can go along to the statue to reminisce and say farewell.

Don’t miss the opportunity on this or other days over the Christmas holiday to take some pictures with the dinosaur before it goes and share these on socials. This is the last chance to say goodbye in person but Milton Keynes City Council has commissioned a 3D scan of the statue and this will be available for use in future artwork or community projects when the time comes.
