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Eaton Avenue Traffic Calming


In the next few weeks the Town Council expects to have sight of the final scheme designed to improve road safety in Eaton Avenue.  The preliminary scheme which was agreed in principle by the Town Council in July 2019 included 10 raised tarmac speed cushions at five locations in this road.  In addition a dropped kerb and two new tactile paving sets at the informal crossing point adjacent to 76 Eaton Avenue.  It was also planned to replace the illuminated bend sign with a reflective non-illuminated sign. 

This preliminary scheme has now been further developed by Milton Keynes Council and has been through a road safety audit.  A street lighting assessment is now being undertaken.  Once the scheme is finalised the Town Council expects to be given a final  costing and will undertake informal consultation with residents on the revised scheme (expected to be in December 2019).  This will be followed by formal consultation undertaken by Milton Keynes Council in 2020.  

The plan to improve road safety in Eaton Avenue is a joint initiative with Milton Keynes Council and has been developed in response to local residents' serious concerns about road safety.