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East West Rail Works - Saxon Street Path and Lane Closure


East West Rail Works - full closure of Saxon Street footpath and lane

Image of road closure by East West Rail 2020

As part of the East West Rail upgrade project, Network Rail shall be continuing the improvement works in the Bletchley area.They will be dismantling one of the piers to the flyover and at the same time we will relocate the temporary Haki Stairs. Please be aware that these stairs are for the use of Network Rail personnel only.

For the protection of the Network Rail workforce and pedestrians, Saxon Street footpath and lane will be closed from 8am on Tuesday 13th October 2020 until 5pm on Wednesday 21st October 2020. This closure is instead of the previously advertised closure which was due to start on Monday 5th October. Starting the works on Tuesday 13th October will allow Network Rail to keep the Buckingham Road footpath open and there will be no shuttle bus used.

There will be an alternative footpath diversion in place from Chandos Place to Duncombe Street at the pedestrian crossing on Brunel roundabout, leading to the shopping centre and the bus terminus.

Network Rail have asked those working on site to work with consideration for the local community.

Please find more information in the notification poster below. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Network Rail by ringing their helpline on 03457 11 41 41 or by visiting the Network Rail website.