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Consultation on the Draft Biodiversity Supplementary Planning Document


Milton Keynes Council is consulting on a Draft Biodiversity Supplementary Planning Document following the adoption of the Milton Keynes Local Plan, Plan:MK in March 2019.

This Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) expands upon policies of the Milton Keynes Local Plan - Plan:MK. The SPD is intended to provide technical guidance throughout the planning process and supplements the policies within the Environment, Biodiversity and Geodiversity chapter of Plan:MK.

Any comments on the Draft Biodiversity SPD must be received before 5pm on Monday 23 November 2020.

Please find more information, including how to view and respond to the draft SPD, on Milton Keynes Council’s website: Draft Biodiversity Supplementary Planning Document (2020) webpage.

If you have any questions or queries regarding this consultation or if you would like to express interest in a virtual workshop about this SPD, please contact MKC’s Development Plans Team via email at: