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Consultation on Draft Development Brief for the Former Fire and Police Station site located off Sherwood Drive


Former Fire Station and Police Station, Bletchley Development Brief - Consultation Draft (PDF) 

Milton Keynes Council is consulting on a Draft Development Brief for the Former Fire and Police Station site located off Sherwood Drive, Bletchley.

This 1.25 ha site is owned by Milton Keynes Development Partnership and its redevelopment forms part of the MK: Bletchley & Fenny Stratford Town Deal programme.

The Draft Brief provides an overview of the planning policies affecting the site, notably within Plan:MK (adopted 2019) and the West Bletchley Neighbourhood Plan (made 2019), together with design principles to promote the submission of a high-quality redevelopment proposal. The Brief also references the Central Bletchley Urban Design Framework Supplementary Planning Document (adopted 2022) which also covers the site.

Although not a formal planning document, the Final Brief will, following approval, potentially, be considered a material consideration in the determination of planning applications submitted to the Council.

Next steps

This consultation runs for six weeks, beginning Friday 26 August 2022. Representations on this Draft Development Brief must be received by 5pm on Friday 07 October 2022. Further information about the consultation, including the Draft Development Brief, can be found on the Current UDLA Consultations page.

Any representations should be sent direct to Paul Hammond, Area Manager – MK Land & Tariff at:

Following consultation, we will consider the representations received and update the Draft Development Brief, as appropriate. We aim to approve the final document in November 2022.

If thereany points about the consultation which need clarification, then please contact Paul Hammond either on 01908 254367 or by e-mail at: