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Water Eaton Community Larder


Water Eaton Community Larder

The Community Larder is a membership programme where anyone can buy their shopping for a little as £3.50 per week and help reduce perfectly good food going to waste. All items at the Water Eaton Community Larder would have been sent to landfill despite being delicious and having several months or even years left until their expiration dates!

An individual membership provides up to 10 items of non-perishables (pasta, tins etc) per week plus free fruit and vegetables.

The Water Eaton Community Larder is open every Tuesday between 2pm-4pm. The address for the Water Eaton Community Larder is: Water Eaton Church Centre, Drayton Road, Bletchley, MK2 3RR

If you would like to talk through the process of becoming a member, please ring 07435 884980 between normal office hours.

Please find more information in the Water Eaton Community Larder poster below and on SOFEA’s website.